Uniqueness of Limit of Function in Metric Space
The definition of a limit of a function in a metric space gives a uniquely defined limit when it exists.
Consider a metric space \(X\) with \(a \in X\), in which the function \(f\) is such that \(\lim_{x \to a} f(x) = L_1\) and \(\lim_{x \to a} f(x) = L_2\).
We then assume, by way of contradiction, that \(L_1 \neq L_{2}\), which implies that \(d(L_1, L_2) > 0\) from the properties of the metric. As such, let \(\epsilon = \frac{d(L_1, L_2)}{2}\). From the definition of the limit, there exists a \(\delta_{1}\) such that
\[ 0 < d(x, a) < \delta_1 \implies d(f(x), L_1) < \epsilon = \frac{d(L_1, L_2)}{2}\]
and a \(\delta_{2}\) such that
\[ 0 < d(x, a) < \delta_2 \implies d(f(x), L_2) < \epsilon = \frac{d(L_1, L_2)}{2}.\]
However then for \(\delta = \min\{\delta_1, \delta_2\}\) we have by the triangle inequality that
\[ 0 < d(x, a) < \delta \implies d(L_1, L_2) \leq d(f(x), L_1) + d(f(x), L_2) < d(L_1, L_2)\]
a contradiction.